Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn: Keynote auf der SOMET 2019 und Best Paper Award für Julia Hermann
Das IEEE Malaysia Computer Chapter ist die Fortsetzung der bestehenden SOMET-Reihe. In diesem Jahr fand die International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (SOMET 2019) zum 18. Mal statt. Als 1st Keynote Speaker war in diesem Jahr SE-Lehrstuhlinhaber Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn eingeladen mit dem Vortragstitel: Beyond Information Systems: Engineering Integrated Systems Based on Machine Learning and 5G.
Engineering information systems is complex basically due to organizational issues. The right level of agility, process support, and pre-packaged software architectures usually help to manage the development of these systems. But software systems become more and more complex and manifold: Cyber-physical systems add heterogeneity, need for resilience and emerging software architectures, cognitive computing systems demand for scalability and flexible integration of machine learning services. Software systems integrating components from all these systems worlds require new software processes and architectures. They have to be operated in different modes. In this talk, an integrated system and process model is presented. Additionally, it is sketched what the use of machine learning may mean for the software process itself.
architectures, cognitive computing systems demand for scalability and flexible integration of machine learning services. Software systems integrating components from all these systems worlds require new software processes and architectures. They have to be operated in different modes. In this talk, an integrated system and process model is presented. Additionally, it is sketched what the use of machine learning may mean for the software process itself.
Ausführliche Informationen zur Keynote finden Sie hier.
Best Paper Award: Julia Hermann and Laura Lis and Volker Gruhn: Usability of a Learning Management System in Interface Comparison
Neben der Keynote von Prof. Dr. Volker Gruhn war auch SE-Mitarbeiterin Julia Hermann mit einem Long-Paper (entstanden in Zusammenarbeit mit Laura Lis und Volker Gruhn) vertreten. Ihrem Beitrag über Usability of a Learning Management System in Interface Comparison wurde der Best Paper Award verliehen für herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen.
This article presents the usability evaluation of an e-learning web application that supports students in self-directed learning of key competences and soft skills during project phases. We developed “clavis” based on an open-source learning management system and optimized it for mobile access to microlearning content. The usability evaluation explores how students interact with the learning environment using predefined interaction scenarios and questionnaires. We used thinking aloud, observation and an interaction recording to assess the usability from the students' point of view. Our article compares the evaluation results of desktop and mobile interface and discusses problems with the hybrid use of browser-optimized learning management systems on mobile devices.